Monday 31 July 2023

Strictly Ballroom


Another triumph, another full theatre and another standing ovation.

If there is one piece of advice l could impart to you all it is this; if you have a chance to see a PLOS show see it.

What a performance. This is musical theatre at its best. The standard of singing is so high that this show could be staged on any of the big theatres in Melbourne and this is the same with every PLOS show. Mitchell Smith and Guada Banez play the lead roles with aplomb and work well together. Lauren Edwards shines as Shirley Hastings, Bryn J Clapp is wonderfully bombastic as Barry Fife and Joel Richardson is so good as the perennial drunk.

Everything works well with this production. All the cast dance and sing with confidence and skill. The ballroom frocks sparkle and the lighting really adds to the show. It ended with people dancing in the aisles. Did l love this show? Yes l did.

This musical is based on the Australian film and this is an Australian show. The characters, the language, it all means Australia and there's nothing wrong with that.

Strictly Ballroom is performing at the Frankston Arts Centre until August 5th.

Friday 28 July 2023

What's On week starting 29th July


What's On

Frankston Arts Centre

Strictly Ballroom 28/07-05/08

The Drum Theatre

Reckoning-te Waiata Paihere Wairua 03/08 7.30pm

Narsaiyo-Hindi Musical 05/08 4.30pm

PaaNi: Where the Rivers Meet 06/08 5pm

Bunjil Place

Casey Philharmonic Orchestra Villains and Superheroes 30/07

Fortyfive downstairs

Far Away by Caryl Churchill 13-30/07

The Butterfly Club

Murder Village-An improvised whodunnit 29/07

Princess Truffles 31/07

Melbourne Film Festival MIFF


Tuesday 25 July 2023

The Death of Napoleon Simon Leys


To think, only a few weeks ago l had never heard of this book.

It's not a large book, only 128 pages long and published in 2006.

In this re-imaged history Napoleon escapes from St Helena and returns to Paris.It is such a clever tale and Leys uses wonderful descriptive writing to tell it. 

Sardonic is a word often used in reviews of this book and l would agree with that. I would also add that the journey back, and death, of Napoleon is so apt for a man considered so great. It is a parody and reflects so well on the grandiose people can give themselves. The ending, in particular, shows in such clarity the hubris of a man who was once crowned himself Emperor.

Well worth a read.

Monday 24 July 2023

Stage Door


On Saturday l attended a performance of Stage Door at the Shirley Burke Theatre in Parkdale.

It was performed by Aspect Inc which is a community theatre group. The play is set in 1930's New York and revolves around a rooming house for young inspiring female actors.

Can l say that this was the first, and last, time l will see this play. It was listed as a comedy but l didn't find it funny or that interesting.

Having said that l did like the performance. It was a big cast that played off each other well. I don't know if the accents were authentic New York accents but they were constant throughout.There were a few actors making their debut. Both of them performed well. The staging and costuming looked authentic too.

Although l didn't like this play l would see other productions from Aspect Inc.

What about you? Have any of you seen a production of Stage Door and if you have, what did you think of it?

Stage Door is performing at the Shirley Burke Theatre Parkdale until July 29.

Friday 21 July 2023

What's On Week starting 22nd July

 Every week l'm going to show what is on in Melbourne

Frankston Arts Centre:

Ross Noble - Jibber Jabber Jamboree 22nd July

PLOS - Strickly Ballroom 28th July - 8th August

Kingston Arts Centre:

Nadoc Week-For our Elders 24th June-26th August

Stage Door 21st July-29th July

Kingston Layers 14th July-12 August

The Butterfly Club:

Death Pretzel 24th July

The Drum Theatre:

Unleashed 22nd July

Regent Theatre:

& Juliet 26th February-29th July

Her Majesty's Theatre:

2.22 A ghost story 25th July-20th August

Athenaeum Theatre:

The Rocky Horror Show 18th May-30th July

Comedy Theatre:

Midnight: The Cinderella Musical 22nd July-23rd July

Malthouse Theatre:

This is living  until 30th July

Forum Theatre:

Fortune Feimster 23rd July

Eagles of Death Metal 25th July

Thursday 20 July 2023


What a treat. The Tokyo Ballet dancing Giselle.

On a cold and wet Melbourne day we were treated to a wonderful display of dancing. 

I love ballet and this was number 4 of 5 ballets l will see this year. This year is the 60th anniversary of the Australian Ballet Company and this performance was hosted by The Australian Ballet Company. 

The standard of dancing was high. The Tokyo Ballet Company is being run by people who have danced, and been involved, with The Bolshoi Ballet and it shows. 

This ballet has only a few more performances and l highly recommend seeing it.

Now onto Swan Lake in September.

Monday 3 July 2023

Jewels by George Balanchine


What a treat for the senses. A 3 act ballet with 3 different composers and 3 different schools of ballet .

Jewels is a creation of ballet by George Balanchine who got his inspiration from the jewellery stores in New York.

The first act is a French romance. Beautiful green costuming, beautiful ballet all set to the music of Gabriel Faure. The performers seemed to float across the stage in a dreamlike state.

The second act saw the dancers in bright red costumes. This is the jazz age in New York. A different style of dancing set to the music of Igor Stravinsky. There is vigour in the movements and an energy to the dancing.

The third act saw the dancers in traditional tutus and a hum of approval arose from the near sell out crowd as the curtain rose and we saw the Corps de Ballet standing on stage. Beautiful dancing set to the wonderful music of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. 

What a treat and, next The Tokyo Ballet dancing Giselle.

I love ballet

The Critic

What a great actor Ian McKellan is. I liked this film. Who else prefers to see films in a cinema like me. There's something about seeing...