
My arts year starts now

My first show starts on Friday. I see affordable suburban arts and there is going to be so many things to see this year. I love all the arts and love seeing different things. Suburban arts thrive in Melbourne. Hopefully there is a similar arts scene where you live. It is something definitely searching for, if you love the arts like l do. Let me know what the arts scene is like where you live.

Am l the only one who starts a new book before finishing the old one?

Do you have several books on the go? Do you always start a new book before finishing the old one?  Do you like having a library of books where you live?. I don't, and yet, was still collecting books. No more. I mainly listen to audio books these days so why am l hanging onto them? Enough is enough. They will be going back to where they came from in the first place. Let other people take them to read. I will stick to audio books. What about you? Does anyone else like audio books?

Walt Witman and Abraham Lincoln

American poet Walt Witman. Yet another poet whose poetry was not recognised during his lifetime.

I waited 3 months to see this film. Was it worth it?

Have you ever waited for months to see a film

Have you ever read a Richard Powers novel?

I'm reading my first Richard Powers novel and it's a good one. Have any of you any of his books? Leave me a comment.  

Another Delmore Schwartz poem

Delmore Schwartz was an American poet. He died in his early 50's in the early 1960's. I like him as a poet and love how poets use language. Hope you enjoy.